The Evolution of Payment Specifications and Tokenization Webinar Series
The Smart Card Alliance and EMVCo hosted a two-part webinar series, “The Evolution of Payment Specifications and Tokenization.”
The first webinar, held on October 1, 2015, discussed progress made by the U.S. market in adopting EMV chip payments, contactless mobile payments and payment tokenization, based on global specifications and described how EMVCo’s scope has evolved from the original EMV Chip Specification to now include card and terminal type approval, interoperability, contactless, mobile, next generation and more recently, the specifications for payment tokenization and 3D Secure 2.0. Webinar speakers included Randy Vanderhoof, Smart Card Alliance; Brian Byrne, EMVCo.
The second webinar, held on November 4, 2015, offered a deep dive into payment tokenization. The webinar covered how tokenization provides a layer security approach for payments and what EMVCo’s current payment tokenization activities and priorities are. The presentation explained EMV payment tokens in detail and outlined EMVCo’s intended next steps. Webinar speakers included Randy Vanderhoof, Smart Card Alliance; Clinton Allen, American Express and Chair, EMVCo Tokenisation Working Group.