Category: Uncategorized


Smart Card Alliance : Join the Alliance

Our mission is to accelerate the widespread adoption, usage, and application of smart card technology in North America by bringing together users and technology providers in an open forum to address opportunities and challenges for our industry. Read more about Joining the Alliance…

About Smart Cards : Resources and Links

Smart Card Resources and Links Industry Associations Publications Industry Associations Advanced Card Technology Association of Canada (ACT Canada) American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS) Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility Asia Pacific Smart Card Association CTIA – The Wireless Association Eurosmart GlobalPlatform GSM Association, U.S. federal government web site on identity management activities International…

Alliance Activities : Publications : Smart Cards Biometrics Report

Smart Cards and Biometrics Report Publication Date: May 2002 Pages: 30 Click Here to download the report. Click here for the report table of contents. Executive Summary Why Are Secure Identification Systems Needed? Both government and commercial organizations are implementing more secure personal identification (ID) systems to improve confidence in verifying the identity of individuals…

Alliance Activities : Councils

Industry and Technology Councils The Smart Card Alliance Industry and Technology Councils are focused groups within the overall structure of the Alliance. These councils have been created to foster increased industry collaboration within a specified industry or market segment and produce tangible results, speeding smart card adoption and industry growth. Council participation is open to…

Alliance Activities : Councils : Contactless and Mobile Payments : Resources

Contactless Payments Resources Contactless payments are simply payment transactions that require no physical contact between the consumer payment device and the physical point-of-sale (POS) terminal. In a contactless payment transaction, the consumer holds the contactless card or NFC-enabled mobile device in close proximity (less than 2-4 inches) to the merchant POS terminal and the payment…