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Dear Members and Friends of the Alliance,
The migration to EMV in the U.S. is underway. It’s no longer a pipe dream, a debate or wishful thinking. With deadlines in place, all stakeholders are very busy working on their part of the transition. The EMV Migration Forum has become the go-to organization for information, knowledge, education, collaboration and leadership. It is remarkable to take a step back and look at the entire payments market working together to make this transition as smooth as possible. Committees have been formed to identify specific issues and to consider “what-if” scenarios to ensure that every possible item is addressed. Excitement continues to build each passing week. I hope you are part of the process. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or simply want to talk about all the great things happening in our industry. Thank you for your support of the Smart Card Alliance.
Randy Vanderhoof
Executive Director, Smart Card Alliance
Acting Director, EMV Migration Forum