The Porsche Arena and the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle use CES locking systems with LEGIC® technology
“No key leaves the building!”
An events centre which is the only one of its kind in Germany is currently being created in the west of Stuttgart. Here for the first time, it will be possible to use two connected halls–Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle and the Porsche Arena–either individually or together for all types and sizes of events.
In order to adapt the events and the available space to the greater demands placed on capacity and comfort, safety, flexibility and multi-functionality, the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle (built in 1983) was the first building section to be modernized. The Porsche Arena directly connected to it is the second section being built.
While the existing hall has been extended to a seating capacity of more than 8,000, from May 2006 onwards up to 7,500 more seats will be available in the new Porsche Arena. The modern architecture incorporating particularly steep grandstands is creating a unique atmosphere here, putting the spectator right where things are happening.
In order to manage the two linked events centres jointly via a locking system, it was necessary to work out a new concept and also to install a new locking system in the Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle. This is because it should be possible for staff to be able to close the halls and ancillary rooms with just one locking medium.
The solution chosen was a combination of a mechanical and electronic locking system from C. Ed. Schulte Zylinderschlossfabrik of Velbert. The outside doors and all areas relevant to security were fitted with electronic cylinders and wall terminals incorporating LEGIC transponder technology of the electronic security system CES OMEGA LEGIC. The other doors are secured with about 500 mechanical CES cylinders in the turnkey system.
“No key leaves the building”, is how Boris Zellner, the man responsible for the technical systems in both buildings, describes the individual locking system concept, which he worked out in collaboration with Jörg Lüllwitz, Director of GSS Sicherheitssysteme GmbH in Stuttgart. All staff, service providers, authorized visitors, the fire department etc. have received a key with a LEGIC chip with which they can, however, only lock the entrance door. They then use their PIN number to open a key depot via an input keypad in order to take out their key there. With this mechanical key incorporating a LEGIC transponder, they can then open all mechanically and electronically secured doors assigned to them in the locking plan–apart from the entrance doors.
If the PIN number and the removed key do not match, an alarm is sent to the security service. Each key also has a stored time window. If it is not returned within the set time limit, an alarm signal is sent in this case also. In order to guarantee a better overview, service providers, caterers etc. must use a defined entrance. Box holders also have a separate key depot. This almost eliminates the security threat posed by lost or stolen keys, because the LEGIC keys–and therefore access from the outside–can be blocked at any time.
The security concept is also being implemented in the adjacent Porsche Arena, which is scheduled for completion in May 2006. The following applies here too: In sensitive areas, use is made of electronic security from CES and the modern, extendable LEGIC technology.