July 2021 Monthly Member Bulletin
Executive Director Message
The Building Blocks of Converged Identity

The majority of the questions we often get from companies considering membership to the Secure Technology Alliance and U.S. Payments Forum are typically focused on what type of work we do and how we help foster collaboration and education of the technology industry on key issues. Generally, this is quickly followed up with more detailed questions around the structure of the entities and why they are paired together.
One of the key strengths we have as a group are the diverse perspectives from multiple stakeholders within the broader technology community. Not only do we have deep expertise in the payments industry, but also significant representation from members that support the access control, IoT and cybersecurity industries. It might seem that there is not much overlap on a daily basis between these market segments, but the base-level technology building blocks that enable these markets to function is relatively consistent. All four of the segments listed above rely on the following technology building blocks in some shape or form: physical credentials, digital / mobile credentials, biometrics, and cryptography. One could even potentially add artificial intelligence to the list as it continues to become a larger part of our daily lives.
It’s safe to assume that advances in any of the building blocks would benefit each of the major markets that we serve today. Therein lies the true power of both of our organizations. Undoubtedly, we have more strength and representation in some areas than others; but it’s also an opportunity as we look across the broader technology landscape and it begins to bring into focus some potential new ideas as we develop our strategic plan for both entities.
We’ve come a long way from the initial challenges in rolling out smart cards in the Unites States, but the future looks even more exciting. I look forward to partnering with the leadership of both organizations to capture these opportunities.
Council Highlights
- Council projects. A summary of all active Council projects is posted on the Secure Technology Alliance members-only site.
- The Access Control Council published a white paper on access control with mobile devices.
- The Identity Council submitted an industry response to the DHS request for comment, “Minimum Standards for Driver’s Licenses and Identification Cards Acceptable by Federal Agencies for Official Purposes; Mobile Driver’s Licenses.” The Council is also discussing new projects related to accelerating mDL implementation in the U.S. Monthly mDL project calls present the status of projects and include guest speakers presenting different aspects of mDL implementation using the ISO 18013-5 standard.
- The Payments Council completed a webinar on dynamic security code cards.
- The Transportation Council is finalizing the emerging MaaS ecosystem white paper.
If you would like to participate in a Secure Technology Alliance Council, please contact Devon Rohrer, [email protected]. The full list of active Council projects is available on the Alliance members-only site.

New Resource: Using Mobile Devices for Physical Access Control
The Secure Technology Alliance Access Control Council and Identity Council published a new white paper, Using Mobile Devices for Physical Access Control.
Mobile devices, especially smartphones, provide versatile credential hosting platforms that can be employed in a wide range of physical access control use cases. The features provided by these devices support secure credentials that, if implemented correctly, are resistant to cloning, forgery, and alteration. In addition, these devices can protect access to the most secure access control areas with high levels of assurance, due to the implementation of tamper-resistant hardware (e.g. secure elements), the use of strong, multifactor authentication, and the control and management of device configurations, third-party apps that can be installed on the device, and secure forms of communications.
Topics discussed in the white paper include:
- Market trends for using mobile devices for physical access
- Mobile device landscape
- Trust frameworks
- Use cases
- Mobile devices and relying party interfaces
- Mobile device support for multifactor authentication
Lars Suneborn, ID Technology Partners and Mark Dale, XTec, Inc. led the project. Council members who contributed to the white paper include: Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC); DualAuth; General Services Administration (GSA); IDEMIA; ID Technology Partners; Integrated Security Technologies, Inc.; IQ Devices: Intercede; JCI Software House; NextgenID; Thales; Transportation Security Administration (TSA); U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS); XTec, Inc.
Welcome New Members
RSMT Limited
Stanley Convergent Security Solutions
Congratulations New Certificants
Jacob Winbury, Adept Patriot Services, LLC
Scott Agans, Genetec Inc.
Scott Chetwynd, ICF International
Marc Fain, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Matthew Palmer, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Christian Grohmann, Force Security Solutions
Brett Howard, Integrated Security Solutions, Inc.
John Placious, Integrated Security Technologies, Inc.
Scott Hunter, Johnson Controls
Joseph Stinnett, Johnson Controls
Richard Dietz, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Nasir Durrani, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Paul Hagen, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Nigel Stewart, M.C. Dean, Inc.
Duane Poliey, RedTop Group
James Burke, SynchroCyber Corporation
Richard Case, System Engineering, Inc.
Edward Yu, U.S. Department of Defense
Anthony Shields, Xator Corporation
Current Training and Exam Dates
The following dates have been announced for CSEIP training. Class sizes have been reduced to six people per class due to COVID-19 health guidelines and safety concerns. As a result, classes are selling out faster than they have in the past, so we are advising organizations to make their reservations in advance of future security system contracts and installations.
- CSEIP Certification Course, August 17-19, 2021 – only two seats left
- CSEIP Recertification Course, August 27, 2021
Follow the Alliance on Social Media
The Secure Technology Alliance has an active presence on social media. Here are some ways for you to interact with the organization: